Sunday, December 7, 2008

What goes on in the library?

This word cloud was made in "wordle" found on It illustrates some of the amazing things that I see happening in our library every day.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fourth Grade Reading/Writing/Technology

All of the fourth grade students at Bartlett have completed a huge language arts project and are helping me get the word out about the great books we have in the library at the same time! This book project involved lots of reading. Mrs. Crete's and Mrs. Rioux's classes read fiction books, and Mrs. Wards's class read non-fiction. Each student selected one book to nominate for the Bartlett Fiction or Bartlett Non-Fiction Book Award. The students learned how to write a persuasive essay. In the computer lab the students created a web using Kidspiration. They were able to add more details to this web and organize their ideas and publish it to a word document. Then they formatted the whole thing into Print Shop. In order to share with all of the third and fouth grades the books that were chosen, students each made a book commercial using iMovie. I am in the process of creating a DVD that will be shared among the classes so that they can vote for the books they want to be nominated for the Bartlett Book Awards. The nominees will be announced soon!

Just look at all of the technology skills used in this great project!

  • keyboarding
  • logging in
  • connecting to the resource drive
  • dragging to the desktop
  • saving to the desktop and my folder
  • creating/naming a folder
  • importing a graphic
  • selecting a printer
  • printing
  • copying/pasting from one program to another
  • adding title, transitions, clips, and audio to iMovie
  • editing audio

Great Work Everyone!