Sunday, December 7, 2008

What goes on in the library?

This word cloud was made in "wordle" found on It illustrates some of the amazing things that I see happening in our library every day.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fourth Grade Reading/Writing/Technology

All of the fourth grade students at Bartlett have completed a huge language arts project and are helping me get the word out about the great books we have in the library at the same time! This book project involved lots of reading. Mrs. Crete's and Mrs. Rioux's classes read fiction books, and Mrs. Wards's class read non-fiction. Each student selected one book to nominate for the Bartlett Fiction or Bartlett Non-Fiction Book Award. The students learned how to write a persuasive essay. In the computer lab the students created a web using Kidspiration. They were able to add more details to this web and organize their ideas and publish it to a word document. Then they formatted the whole thing into Print Shop. In order to share with all of the third and fouth grades the books that were chosen, students each made a book commercial using iMovie. I am in the process of creating a DVD that will be shared among the classes so that they can vote for the books they want to be nominated for the Bartlett Book Awards. The nominees will be announced soon!

Just look at all of the technology skills used in this great project!

  • keyboarding
  • logging in
  • connecting to the resource drive
  • dragging to the desktop
  • saving to the desktop and my folder
  • creating/naming a folder
  • importing a graphic
  • selecting a printer
  • printing
  • copying/pasting from one program to another
  • adding title, transitions, clips, and audio to iMovie
  • editing audio

Great Work Everyone!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bartlett Dives Into Reading Progress Report

Today I was teaching a math group to some second graders and one student said, "I like Bartlett Dives Into Reading better than the Reading Rainforest." I asked him why, and he said, "I like having fish swimming around me in the cafeteria."

Indeed, as I write, there are 82 fish swimming in the cafeteria. We are off to a great start to the program with 45% of the students at Bartlett participating. On Thursday, we had our first lunchtime raffle. This was a lot of fun and hopefully motivated the students who haven't yet turned in their reading log to get one turned in. I will have another raffle before the break in December.

A special commendation goes to Mrs. Audley's class which has 75% of her students participating! Wow! Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bartlett Students Vote

On November 4th, Bartlett Students were given the opportunity to participate in voting with their own elections. One of the items on the ballot was, "What color do you want the 100-day Reader T-Shirt to be?" It was a very close election with Lime Green earning one more vote than Cherry Red.

The reading papers have started coming in. So far over 50 students have turned in their first reading logs. There are now fish swimming around the submarines in the cafeteria! Our first lunch raffle will be next week. All children who have turned in a reading log will be entered into the raffle.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Visting Author

Today all of the students at Bartlett had a chance to meet and ask questions of our visiting author, Jennifer Ericsson. Jennifer shared her picture books with the children and how she got her ideas for her stories. The younger children enjoyed meeting her cow who introduced her book, No Milk!

The older children had excellent questions about what it is like to be an author. We were all surprised to learn that the author can not talk with the illustrator about the book. One book, The Most Beautiful Kid In The World, took eight years from the time it was accepted to be published to when the book was ready for the shelf!

It was a lot of fun to take one of Jennifer's books, "The Most Beautiful Kid in the World," and create our own beautiful kids. The children had some great ideas and wonderful descriptions.

Jennifer's books are available in our library. We can't wait until her new book, "Whoo Goes There?" comes out this spring. Her visit to Bartlett was made possible by a grant from the CLiF foundation.

Thank you to Jennifer for a wonderful presentation. Thank you to the children for great listening and participation. And thank you to the Children's Literacy Foundation for making this possible. It was a memorable day!

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bartlett Dives Into Reading!

Today we kicked off the reading incentive program. Our theme is Dive Into Reading! Each child brought home a letter explaining the program. Click on the image above to view the letter. I encourage all of you to participate in this fun, exciting program. You will help your child become a better reader!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thank You Parents!

We had a successful book fair last week! The library and book room received $750 worth of new books. These are already in circulation and being enjoyed by the children at Bartlett! We also receive bonus points which I will redeem for additional merchandise for the library. Thank you so much!

Just so you know...we circulated 1200 books in the month of September!

The reading incentive program is coming! We will have our big all school meeting and kick-off event on October 14th.

Bartlett will also have a visiting author, Jennifer Ericsson, come to speak to all of our students on October 29th.

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Our New Display Shelf

The library has a lovely new display shelf that was purchased with points earned from our book fairs from last school year. Our fall book fair starts Monday. All the kids benefit from your support. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Welcome Back!

The information center at Bartlett is a GREAT place for students and staff and parents. We are open for business and are we busy! Already we have circulated over 500 books!

The students know the information center is a place of respect. They understand that when they come in to check out books there is often another class using the computer lab, researching, or even doing a math lesson. They also know that they need to respect the materials in the information center.

With the Bartlett Library circulating over 10,000 items last year the students learn about responsibility. I stress this in our library orientation. The books can only be circulated when the students return them.

Learning to be responsible for a library book is something that develops with your child. First graders are allowed to check out one book. They may keep it for one week. Second graders may check out two books, third graders, three and fourth graders may take up to four books at one time. We do not check out books over a child's limit, so if a child does not bring his/her book back he/she may not check out another one.

The Bartlett Library has received much support in recent years from the PTA, the Rotary Club, and the SAU. In addition to many books, proceeds from the PTA book fairs have purchased our beautiful rug and our new book display shelf. The points from the Campbell Soup Labels have provided new DVD's for our teachers to share in their classes. The Rotary Club has helped us tremendously in replacing our aging animal books. This community support has truly made a difference in creating a vibrant place for learning! Thank you so much! We are looking forward to a great year.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reading Rainforest Results

I think back to October when I put up the tree trunks in the cafeteria. They looked so odd with nothing on them. Eight months later and the students have transformed the cafeteria into a reading rainforest.

520 reading logs were turned in this year! We’ve enjoyed celebrating each child as he/she turned in a reading log. The students love hearing their names announced and having all the students in the cafeteria cheer for them. This year we had 73% of the students participate in the reading program. While no class reached 100% both Ms. Frisbie and Mrs. Stanhope were very close!

A big thank you goes to the PTA for funding this program. It would not be possible without their support. A special note of thanks goes to Christine Mable for her contributions of prizes for our raffles. These raffles helped keep the students motivated throughout the school year. Raffle days are exciting!
Congratulations goes to the students who read for 200-days!

Phoenix I.
Andrew C.
Sarah S.
Brooklyn R.
Mariah B.
Madelyne S.
Justin K.
Libby H.
Anthony C.
Alexis Y
Brianna M.
Kate S
Alexandria B.
Bailey L.
Samantha S
Hannah T
Allison L
Katelyn B.
Elizabeth H.

We look forward to next year!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ms. Frisbie's Life Cycle Reports

This movie was made by Ms. Frisbie's first graders. They researched, drew pictures and wrote about the life cycles of different animals. Then they imported digital pictures of their artwork into Kidpix as well as their text. Their reading was recorded in iMovie and this is the finished project. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mrs. Crete's Book Commercials

All twenty three students in Mrs. Crete's fourth grade class created a book commercial promoting a fiction book. These commercials were viewed by the third and fourth graders at Bartlett and voted on. Four were selected to compete for the Bartlett Fiction Award. Voting on the winners will be before April vacation.

Here are two samples from this project. Permission to use the image of the books seen in this video has been granted by Random House for the purpose of this educational project.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Stories from Mrs. Lavigne's First Grade Class

This video was made by first graders in Mrs. Lavigne's class. They created a spring picture in Kidpix and then wrote a sentence about their picture. They recorded their sentence in iMovie. Music is from iMovie.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bartlett History

In gathering materials for a New Hampshire history project with our fourth graders, I found some clippings from the Goffstown News and Manchester Union Leader featuring Bartlett Elementary School. It was 45 years ago this month that the front of the building was a new addition.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Book Fair

On behalf of the students and staff at Bartlett I'd like to thank all of the parents who supported the spring book fair last week. The book fair provides parents an opportunity to buy books for their children, and as a benefit a large percentage of the profits go to help the library. We were able to get $1000 worth of new books for the library, and book room. Some books will also be used as prizes for the reading incentive program. The children saw me gathering the books and can't wait to check them out of the library. Mrs. Larochelle and I hope to get these in circulation by the end of this week. Thanks again to all of those who helped work at the book fair and those who purchased books!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mrs. Audley's Pond Habitat Projects

The second grade students in Mrs. Audley's class researched, wrote and published reports about pond animals. They built models of their animal's home and shared them with the first and second grades. They created a slide show in KidPix and recorded their voices in iMovie. Music is from iMovie. What great work!

The Information Center

Welcome to the Bartlett Elementary School Information Center. This is the place to be for finding great books and magazines. It is also home of our computer lab. Students of all grades come out to the Information Center to do research and create projects using the computers.
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